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The Muslim world has unequivocally denounced the progressing murdering of unarmed guiltless regular folks by occupation powers in Indian-possessed Kashmir (IoK) as a "devilish fear based oppressor act". 

The judgment from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the aggregate voice of the Muslim world, went ahead Monday – two days after Indian powers slaughtered eight regular people and harmed many others following a gunfight with opportunity contenders in Pulwama area of the involved valley. 

Horrified by the careless slaughtering binge of Indian powers, Kashmiri government officials conveyed a "SOS to mankind", setting off a call from Pakistan to the global network to assume its job in putting a conclusion to Indian barbarianism. 

OIC's General Secretariat "communicated solid judgment of the executing of guiltless Kashmiris by Indian powers in Indian-possessed Kashmir (IOK) where coordinate shooting at demonstrators in Pulwama locale killed various honest subjects and harmed others". 

Indian troops saint two young fellows in Occupied Kashmir 

In an announcement posted on its site, the OIC General Secretariat "called upon the worldwide network to assume its job so as to come to a fair and enduring answer for the contention in Kashmir, as per the significant universal goals received by the OIC and the UN Security Council, and satisfy the desires of the Kashmiri individuals". 

"The General Secretariat communicated sympathies to the groups of the blameless unfortunate casualties who lost their lives because of this devilish fear monger act and wished the injured incite recuperation," it included the announcement. 

Prior, in another announcement, Indian armed force boss General Bipin Rawat said that Kashmiri stone-pelters are "ground laborers of psychological oppressors" and they ought to be managed sternly. 

He later additionally said that Pakistan should turn into a common state to exist together gently with India. 

The comments were made just two days after Pakistan expressed a desire for peace to the neighboring nation by doing historic of Kartarpur fringe passage in an offer to ease Indian pioneers' visit to the sanctum of Guru Nanak Devji, the author of the Sikh confidence.


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